VoiceUserDataexport interface VoiceUserData export interface VoiceUserData SummaryThe known data for a user in a Discord voice connection.PropertiesaudioSSRC:numberThe SSRC of the user's audio stream.userId:stringThe Discord user id of the user.OptionalvideoSSRC?:numberThe SSRC of the user's video stream (if one exists) Cannot be 0. If undefined, the user has no video stream.
VoiceUserDataexport interface VoiceUserData export interface VoiceUserData SummaryThe known data for a user in a Discord voice connection.PropertiesaudioSSRC:numberThe SSRC of the user's audio stream.userId:stringThe Discord user id of the user.OptionalvideoSSRC?:numberThe SSRC of the user's video stream (if one exists) Cannot be 0. If undefined, the user has no video stream.